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fixed effects regression with felm

I am wondering why my fixed effects regression does not work.

My Code is the following:

sfeL=felm(sätzegesp~TTRverf,spieler|0|0, data=datregT)

sätzegesp is a vector if numbers, TTRverf is a dummy-variable and the fixed effect variable spieler is a vector of numbers indicating the ID of each person.

Unfortunately, I get the error

operators are only possible for numeric, logical or complex types


  • I am not familiar with felm(), but usually we use something like y ~ x1 + x2 + .. + xn as formula, not y ~ x1, x2, ... xn. That might be the problem. You can see it in exampes in the documentation of the lfe package here.

    So try to use

    sfeL <- felm(sätzegesp ~ TTRverf + spieler|0|0, data= datregT)