i'm create a class for dio That all my connections to the server happen in this class Now I want to call onError and onSuccess in other class An example of this was done in Java with an interface
I have done like this, First, create a common dio class,
class NetworkRepository {
Future<String> getRequest(String url) async {
var dio = Dio();
onRequest:(RequestOptions options) async {
print("REQUEST[${options?.method}] => PATH: ${options?.path}");
return options; //continue
onResponse:(Response response) async {
print("RESPONSE[${response?.statusCode}] => PATH: ${response?.request?.path}");
return response; // continue
onError: (DioError err) async {
print("ERROR[${err.toString()}] => PATH: ${err?.request?.path}");
return err;//continue
Response response = await dio.get(url);
return response.toString();
dynamic requestInterceptor(RequestOptions options) async {
return options;
and when you want to call it in your any class,
NetworkRepository().getRequest(projects).then((onValue) {
var dataConvertedToJSON = json.decode(onValue);
setState(() {
ProjectModel model = ProjectModel.fromJson(dataConvertedToJSON);
Also you can try Bloc pattern to do so.