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sorting capped mongodb collection in spring boot

I am trying to sort capped collection in descending order.

what I have tried:

    @Query(sort = "{$natural:-1}")
    Flux<Message> findAllByConversationId(String conversationId);

it gives:

Query failed with error code 2 and error message cannot use tailable option with a sort other than {$natural: 1}'

but when I use this query in robo3t:


it works fine !

any help ?


  • Seems like I needed to go with native queries using "ReactiveMongoTemplate"

    this code works as I want:

    public Flux<StreamMessageDto> streamConversationById(String conversationId) {
        Criteria criteria = Criteria.where("conversationId").is(conversationId);
        Query query = Query.query(criteria);
        query.with(, "$natural"));
        reactiveMongoTemplate.find(query, Message.class);

    for more details refer to this link