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Laravel header null on test

I'm building a multitenancy api with Laravel based on Account Model, i determine the tennant in use by the request reader "Account" by using a trait (AccountScoped) on all tenant models, everything is working on postman, but whyle testing the header is not acessible in trait.

AccountScopped (Trait)

trait AccountScoped
protected static function bootAccountScoped()
    $account_id = request()->header('Account');
    if (empty($account_id)) {

    static::creating(function (Model $model) use ($account_id) {
        $model->account_id = $account_id;

    static::addGlobalScope('byAccount', function (Builder $builder) use ($account_id) {
        $builder->where('account_id', '=', $account_id);

The test method:

public function testActionIndexInController()
    $categories = Category::where('account_id',$this->account->id)->get()->toJSON();
    $response = $this->actingAs($this->user, 'api')


* $this->user is a User instance model with Accounts, $this->account is a Account instance related to the selected user

But when i run the test i get null value on $account_id Test return

And when i make the same request by postaman the value is there Postman Return


  • If you are using jwt you can use this code to set the request while you are in testing mode

    if (env('APP_ENV') === 'testing') {

    otherwise, you need to set the request using Illuminate\Http\Request; Also, you can try this code to get the header
