I'm building a multitenancy api with Laravel based on Account Model, i determine the tennant in use by the request reader "Account" by using a trait (AccountScoped) on all tenant models, everything is working on postman, but whyle testing the header is not acessible in trait.
AccountScopped (Trait)
trait AccountScoped
protected static function bootAccountScoped()
$account_id = request()->header('Account');
if (empty($account_id)) {
static::creating(function (Model $model) use ($account_id) {
$model->account_id = $account_id;
static::addGlobalScope('byAccount', function (Builder $builder) use ($account_id) {
$builder->where('account_id', '=', $account_id);
The test method:
public function testActionIndexInController()
$categories = Category::where('account_id',$this->account->id)->get()->toJSON();
$response = $this->actingAs($this->user, 'api')
* $this->user is a User instance model with Accounts, $this->account is a Account instance related to the selected user
But when i run the test i get null value on $account_id Test return
And when i make the same request by postaman the value is there Postman Return
If you are using jwt you can use this code to set the request while you are in testing mode
if (env('APP_ENV') === 'testing') {
otherwise, you need to set the request using Illuminate\Http\Request; Also, you can try this code to get the header