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Akka: Actor isn't sending response

I want to return from Akka Actor a string response through api code. However, I'm keep getting timeouts and I don't have a clue what can be wrong with my code.


object CredentialsActor {
  def props(implicit timeout: Timeout) = Props(new CredentialsActor)

class CredentialsActor extends Actor with ActorLogging {
  override def receive: Receive = {
    case RegisterRequest => sender() ! "REGISTER"

Api code:

class RestApi(system: ActorSystem, timeout: Timeout) extends Routes {
  implicit def requestTimeout: Timeout = timeout
  implicit def executionContext: ExecutionContextExecutor = system.dispatcher
  def createCredentialsActor(): ActorRef = system.actorOf(CredentialsActor.props)

trait Routes extends CredentialsApi {
  val routes: Route =
    pathPrefix("app") {

trait CredentialsApi {
  def createCredentialsActor(): ActorRef
  implicit def requestTimeout: Timeout

  lazy val credentialsActor: ActorRef = createCredentialsActor()

  val credentialsRoute: Route =
    path("register") {
      get {
        pathEndOrSingleSlash {
          entity(as[RegisterRequest]) {
            request => {
              System.out.println(, request.password, request.passwordRepeated)
              val response: Future[String] =
                (credentialsActor ? request).mapTo[String]
              complete(OK, response)


final case class RegisterRequest(name: String, password: String, passwordRepeated: String)


  • You don't give the type of RegisterRequest, but if it is a case class then you want this:

    case _: RegisterRequest => sender() ! "REGISTER"

    As it stands you are matching the companion object rather than an instance of the class.

    To extract the details from the request, do this:

    case RegisterRequest(name, pw, pwRep) =>
      sender ! s"Register user $name with password $pw($pwRep)"