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Generate BigQuery code from dplyr code *without* actually executing BigQuery?

We can see here some simple instructions on how to use tidyverse principles to wrangle data using bigquery using the R packages bigrquery and dbplyr.

This works by taking regular dplyr code and when the user calls %>% collect(), it translates the dplyr code into BigQuery's flavor of SQL, then executes the BigQuery code in BigQuery

I would like to know if I could use these packages to simply generate the raw BigQuery code, but not execute it?

What I am ultimately after is a way to generate BigQuery code from dplyr without actually using BigQuery (e.g. if working offline, for example)

What I know so far

I know it's possible to write dplyr code, call %>% collect() and view the BigQuery code that was generated/run in the GCP console in the browser. I would like the same code returned as a string in RStudio (and without it ever being executed)


  • Instead of collect(), just type %>% show_query() at the end of your dplyr-code.