I have the following which is a placeholder, I'm trying to use Atomic groups to catch double opening and closing brackets in pairs:
I am {{name}} and I have {{scales}: red {{metallic_scales}: shiny and glistering}} scales}}
Safe to say, I'm not really having much success.
So I'd want something like:
You may use
(?= # Start of a positive lookahead to enable overlapping matches
(?<results> # The group storing the results
{{ # {{ (left-hand delimiter)
(?> # Start of an atomic group
(?!{{|}}).| # Any char not starting {{ or }} char sequence, or
{{(?<DEPTH>)| # {{ and a value pushed on to DEPTH group stack, or
}}(?<-DEPTH>) # }} and a value popped from the DEPTH group stack
)* # Zero or more repetitions of the atomic group patterns
}} # }} substring
(?(DEPTH)(?!)) # Conditional construct failing the match if DEPTH stack is not empty
) # End of the results group
) # End of the lookahead
See the regex demo.
C# declaration:
Regex reg = new Regex(@"
(?= # Start of a positive lookahead to enable overlapping matches
(?<results> # The group storing the results
{{ # {{ (left-hand delimiter)
(?> # Start of an atomic group
(?!{{|}}).| # Any char not starting {{ or }} char sequence, or
{{(?<DEPTH>)| # {{ and a value pushed on to DEPTH group stack, or
}}(?<-DEPTH>) # }} and a value popped from the DEPTH group stack
)* # Zero or more repetitions of the atomic group patterns
}} # }} substring
(?(DEPTH)(?!)) # Conditional construct failing the match if DEPTH stack is not empty
) # End of the results group
) # End of the lookahead",
RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Singleline);
var results = reg.Matches(text).Cast<Match>().Select(x => x.Groups["results"].Value);