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Is IHubContext<THub> of SignalR thread-safe?

I have this action inside an ASP.NET MVC Core controller:

public IActionResult Get()
    var timeManager = new TimerManager(() =>
        _hub.Clients.All.SendAsync("transferchartdata", DataManager.GetData());

    return Ok(new { Message = "Request completed" });

The TimerManager class looks like this:

public class TimerManager
    private Timer _timer;
    private AutoResetEvent _autoResetEvent;
    private Action _action;

    public DateTime TimerStarted { get; }

    public TimerManager(Action action)
        _action = action;
        _autoResetEvent = new AutoResetEvent(false);
        _timer = new Timer(Execute, _autoResetEvent, 1000, 2000);
        TimerStarted = DateTime.Now;

    public void Execute(object stateInfo)

        if ((DateTime.Now - TimerStarted).Seconds > 60)

But I don't know if calling _hub.Clients.All.SendAsync() will have concurrency problems. Is IHubContext<THub> and its methods thread-safe?


  • You can use IHubContext<THub> safely with Timer.

    IHubContext<THub> is a singleton:

    services.TryAddSingleton(typeof(IHubContext<>), typeof(HubContext<>));
