I am new to GWT and MVP and have explored a few libraries (gwt-sl, gwt-presenter,gwt-dispatch) and frameworks (smartgwt ..) and i am getting very confused. I have decided to stick with using smartgwt ui components and gwt mvp to handle them. smartgwt is modelled on using a datasource which i would like to ideally extend (and populate using dto's (or proxy objects using gwt's request factory ) ) . however i have not got the hang of all these right now.
a) In the gwt mvp that google has layed out what exactly is the state of a place ? do we always send a person to a new place ? If not and the history maintains the place token then how is the state loaded ?
b) from another post about gwt mvp where is the model ? most of us tuned to typical mvc design paradigms would suppose that the model state is present within the presenter. i suppose then as suggested elsewhere the clientfactory would be the appropriate place to have the current model being displayed in the view stored ?
c) i would like to know if it is possible to attempt to use requestfactory to populate smartgwt databounded components ? ( from what i understand using the smartgwt server side framework does essentially the same thing .. transmitting only changes in the object graph across the wire ?)
d) On page 47 of David chandler's slide i dont quite understand the layout that is being proposed. ( 2 placeChangeHandler's ? 2 sets of widgetList's for each of the activity manager's ? Can someone kindly explain that ?
e) can anyone share their experience with gwt-sl (for server side spring integration ?)
thanks in advance to all the gwt gurus
Start with the SmartGWT QuickStart Guide. We strongly recommend against using MVP with SmartGWT, as SmartGWT already has a built-in data binding paradigm which we believe provides more features with far less code.
So, learn the SmartGWT data binding approach in depth, look through the samples, try using it, then return to the confusing materials you have been reviewing and ask yourself the question: do they simplify anything? Do they make it easier to add a feature I need? If not, don't bother with them.