When I run cox.zph
on a Cox model, I get a different type of return than I am seeing everywhere else.
I tried running the following code:
library(survival) #version 3.1-7
library(survminer) #version 0.4.6
res.cox <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + wt.loss, data = lung)
#lung data is in the survival package and loads from there.
( test.ph <- cox.zph(res.cox) )
This gives my the following return:
chisq df p
age 0.5077 1 0.48
sex 2.5489 1 0.11
wt.loss 0.0144 1 0.90
GLOBAL 3.0051 3 0.39
However, examples elsewhere (including the one I'm am trying to follow here) return a table with a "rho" column, as below:
rho chisq p
age -0.0483 0.378 0.538
sex 0.1265 2.349 0.125
wt.loss 0.0126 0.024 0.877
GLOBAL NA 2.846 0.416
In addition, whatever it throwing this off appears to also be altering my chi-sq and p-values as well.
Furthermore, when I subsequently try to plot the Schoenfeld residuals using ggcoxzph(test.ph)
I get the following plots:
Versus the example:
sthda version of the same plots
These issues are causing a massive block to my group's efforts on a current project, and any help offered will be much appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Try updating your version of survival
package. It works for me as it should (print method shows "rho").
I'm using version 2.43-3
EDIT: 42 was right, I was installing from an out-of-date mirror. I just updated to the latest version.
Of course one solution is you roll back your install to an older version. But assuming you don't want to do that...
It appears you will need to calculate what you want yourself. I don't know if this is the most concise way but I simply adapted the source code from the old version of the package into a function where you can pass your fitted object and your cox.zph test object.
library(survival) #version 3.1-7
library(survminer) #version 0.4.6
res.cox <- coxph(Surv(time, status) ~ age + sex + wt.loss, data = lung)
#lung data is in the survival package and loads from there.
test.ph <- cox.zph(res.cox)
your_func <- function(fit, transform = "km", new_cox.zph = NULL) {
sresid <- resid(fit, "schoenfeld")
varnames <- names(fit$coefficients)
nvar <- length(varnames)
ndead <- length(sresid)/nvar
if (nvar == 1) {
times <- as.numeric(names(sresid))
} else {
times <- as.numeric(dimnames(sresid)[[1]])
if (is.character(transform)) {
tname <- transform
ttimes <- switch(transform, identity = times, rank = rank(times),
log = log(times), km = {
temp <- survfitKM(factor(rep(1, nrow(fit$y))),
fit$y, se.fit = FALSE)
t1 <- temp$surv[temp$n.event > 0]
t2 <- temp$n.event[temp$n.event > 0]
km <- rep(c(1, t1), c(t2, 0))
if (is.null(attr(sresid, "strata"))) 1 - km else (1 -
}, stop("Unrecognized transform"))
else {
tname <- deparse(substitute(transform))
if (length(tname) > 1)
tname <- "user"
ttimes <- transform(times)
xx <- ttimes - mean(ttimes)
r2 <- sresid %*% fit$var * ndead
test <- xx %*% r2
corel <- c(cor(xx, r2))
cbind(rho = c(corel,NA), new_cox.zph$table)
Call the function
your_func(fit = res.cox, new_cox.zph = test.ph)
rho chisq df p
age -0.04834523 0.50774082 1 0.4761185
sex 0.12651872 2.54891522 1 0.1103700
wt.loss 0.01257876 0.01444092 1 0.9043482
GLOBAL NA 3.00505434 3 0.3908466
I don't know about the difference in the chisq and p calculations between versions. You may want to check release notes for what changed between versions. But for your purposes, I'm not sure there will be a difference in "rho" which appears to simply be a pearson correlation between 1. difference from observation time and mean time [ttimes - mean(ttimes)] and 2. fitted values multiplied by schoenfeld residuals (scaled by number dead). From the code..
sresid <- resid(fit, "schoenfeld")
xx <- ttimes - mean(ttimes)
r2 <- sresid %*% fit$var * ndead
test <- xx %*% r2
corel <- c(cor(xx, r2))
##corel is rho