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How to add new parameters to be measured in the result file .sca of the OMNET++ simulator?

I'm doing a research for the VANET network for my master thesis. I'm using OMNET++, SUMO and VEINS, for the evaluation of the performance in a scenario of car accident. For the moment I want to generate some results for the received power, signal to noise ratio, bit-rate and packet collision, based on three types of antenna's. From the results that I'm taking from the .sca file doesn't show those parameters. I have done some modifications in the source codes, but with no results!

So I wanted to ask you, is there any possibility to generate the results of those parameters and if yes can you help or guide me telling in quick steps how to do it well (modifying the source code or something else)?


  • Hi you can take a look at omnetpp tutorial 5 This should provide you the basics for scalar and vector file analysis.