I'm in the process of writing an installer using NSIS that will add an entry to the computer's GPO to run a command on system boot.
# From http://nsis.sourceforge.net/LGP_Startup/Shutdown_Script
!include LGPScript.nsh
SetOutPath -
# Install all files from myprog directory into C:\Program Files\myprog
File myprog\*
# Copy mysystweak.bat to System32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Startup
SetOutPath $SYSDIR\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Startup
File myprog\mysystweak.bat
SetOutPath -
# Add GPO entry to execute mysystweak.bat on startup
${LGPScript::Create} 'Startup' 'mysystweak.bat' '' $R1
DetailPrint "Create startup LGP return code:$R1"
# Write uninstaller
Writeuninstaller "${uninstall_name}"
Everything goes well except nothing shows up in …\Startup. The installer thinks everything worked:
Output folder: C:\WINDOWS\system32\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Startup
Extract: mysystweak.bat... 100%
Output folder: C:\Program Files (x86)\myprog
I originally tried using CopyFiles to copy the batch file from $INSTDIR into …\Startup, but got the same result.
What's going wrong here?
If this is a x64 system you need to disable FS redirection, without it $SYSDIR will not point to the true system32 directory:
!include x64.nsh
SetOutPath $SYSDIR\GroupPolicy\Machine\Scripts\Startup
File myprog\mysystweak.bat
You can verify that this is the problem by watching the installer with Process Monitor