I would like to use image_tag srcset attributes with active storage variants
<%= image_tag(@assoc.photo,
[@assoc.photo.variant(resize: "600x600"), "1024w"],
[@assoc.photo.variant(resize: "800x800"), "1980w"]
sizes: "100vw") %>
The first line return: no implicit conversion of Symbol into Integer.
What's wrong ?
I did a method for resize the photos :
def photos_variants(photo, width, height)
variation = ActiveStorage::Variation.new(Uploads.resize_to_fill(width: width, height: height, blob: photo.blob))
ActiveStorage::Variant.new(photo.blob, variation)
and I call this method in my srcset tag :
<%= image_tag(@assoc.photo,
[url_for(@assoc.photos_variants(@assoc.photo, 400, 300)), "512w"],
[url_for(@assoc.photos_variants(@assoc.photo, 600, 450)), "768w"],
[url_for(@assoc.photos_variants(@assoc.photo, 800, 600)), "1024w"],
[url_for(@assoc.photos_variants(@assoc.photo, 1200, 900)), "1980w"]
sizes: "100vw") %>