I have a frozen set dictionary of the form:
{frozenset({12345, 3245}): 45.95948791503906,
frozenset({12345, 12804138}): 48.996036529541016,
frozenset({3245, 9876}): 50.67853927612305,
Is it possible for me to iterate over the values based on one of the key from the frozenset?
If I provide the value 12345, I want to return
frozenset({12345, 3245}): 45.95948791503906,
frozenset({12345, 12804138}): 48.996036529541016
If I provide the value 3245, I want to return
frozenset({12345, 3245}): 45.95948791503906, frozenset({3245, 9876}): 50.67853927612305
Basically, I want to iterate based one of the key from the multikey frozen set dictionary
You can try:
my_dict = {frozenset({12345, 3245}): 45.95948791503906,
frozenset({12345, 12804138}): 48.996036529541016,
frozenset({3245, 9876}): 50.67853927612305}
def retrieve_dict(number_I_want):
final = []
for key, value in my_dict.items():
for i in key:
if i == number_I_want: