I am looking at this code:
public enum MO
Learn, Practice, Quiz
public enum CC
public class SomeSettings
public MO Mode { get; set; }
public CC Cc { get; set; }
static void Main(string[] args)
var Settings = new SomeSettings() { Cc = CC.H, Mode = MO.Practice };
var (msg,isCC,upd) = Settings.Mode switch {
case MO.Learn => ("Use this mode when you are first learning the phrases and their meanings.",
Settings.Cc == CC.H,
case MO.Practice => ("Use this mode to help you memorize the phrases and their meanings.",
Settings.Cc == CC.H,
case MO.Quiz => ("Use this mode to run a self marked test.",
Settings.Cc == CC.H,
_ => default;
Unfortunately it seems that the msg
, isCC
and upd
are not declared correctly and it gives a message saying this:
Cannot infer the type of implicitly-typed deconstruction variable 'msg' and the same for isCC and upd.
Can you help explain to me how I can declare these?
labels are not used with switch expressions, you have a ;
in the middle, and no ;
var (msg, isCC, upd) = Settings.Mode switch {
MO.Learn => ("Use this mode when you are first learning the phrases and their meanings.",
Settings.Cc == CC.H,
MO.Practice => ("Use this mode to help you memorize the phrases and their meanings.",
Settings.Cc == CC.H,
MO.Quiz => ("Use this mode to run a self marked test.",
Settings.Cc == CC.H,
_ => default