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I've got this error message from strip: []: corrupt GNU build attribute note: wrong note type: bad value

I'm creating an rpm package for my c++ program on Fedora 31. I've already created a .deb package on Debian 10 without issues, but on Fedora 31, when I use the shell command:

strip --strip-unneeded --remove-section=.comment --remove-section=.note ttxtgm

I get this error message:

strip:ttxtgm[]: corrupt GNU build attribute note: wrong note type: bad value

I can't understand what is the problem with this executable. I use g++ to build my program. The same command shell executed on Debian 10 works fine. I couldn't find any information about this error message from strip.


  • This is a binutils bug that was recently introduced into Fedora 31:

    It is being fixed in binutils-2.32-29.fc31, with this binutils update. Once it hits the Fedora mirrors, you can install it using:

    dnf update --enablerepo=updates-testing binutils

    Before that, you can install the build directly from Koji, from the binutils-2.32-29.fc31 build:

    dnf install