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How can a controller respond with an action to redirect from another website in Ruby

I am a newbie in ruby. I want to post a form data which includes an API key and some other field data to another website which will verify and send an http response 200 or 400 to my website. If I am able to connect to the api, the website responds with a URL redirect to my website with additional query string which my website will respond to. I don't how to do the following:

How to make my site respond to the redirect I get from the website through a controller and action. Assuming the controller is:

 class BooksController < ApplicationController

  def create
   Do something

   flash[:notice] = " book was created successfully"


Configure my route to respond to the redirect

here is the code I am trying to use on view

   <form action="/master/master" method="POST" >
    data-key= <%= ENV["EXAMPLE_PUBLIC_KEY"] %>
    data-email= <%= %> 
    data-booktitle= <%= current_user.books.title %>
    data-ref= <% SecureRandom.random_number %> 


  • This is just the basics of how to post a form to an external website. You'll have to fill in the details yourself since I have no clue what the external website does or what that script is supposed to accomplish.

    Setting up a form to post to a remote url is pretty easy:

    # Rails 4 and earlier
    <% form_tag("", method: :post) %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag :key, ENV["EXAMPLE_PUBLIC_KEY"] %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag :title, current_user.books.title %>
      <%= hidden_field_tag :ref, SecureRandom.random_number %>
      <%= submit_tag %>
    <% end %>
    # Rails 5+
    <%= form_with(url: "", method: :post) do |f| %>
      <%= f.hidden_field :key, value: ENV["EXAMPLE_PUBLIC_KEY"] %>
      # ...
    <% end %>

    Handling the callback from the external website isn't really different then any other route in your rails app:

    get '/some/path', to: 'foo#bar'

    You just create a route that responds to GET, and configure whatever service that handles the form submission to redirect back to it.