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How to extract pixel value of a variable projected on an irregular grid from a netcdf file?

I have a netcdf file that has the following (example) variables:




The dimensions are in [x, y] (pixel coordinates) primarily because both the latitude and longitude are both 2-D arrays of an irregular grid.

I want to extract pixel values of temperature in eg. 53.55, 3.5 (lat/lon degree decimal coordinates). Typically, for a 1-D array of latitude/longitude, I would be able to use numpy.argmin() to find the index of both lat/lon and thus, the pixel coordinate for the temperature variable.

Alternatively, in xarray, I could use eg.

import xarray as xr
ds = open_dataset(some_file)
ds.temperature.sel(lat=53.55, lon=3.5, method='nearest')

Except my dimensions are now in (x, y). Perhaps due to an insufficient knowledge of the netcdf data format, but I have trouble coming up with ways to extract the data I need. How can I extract the pixel value I need? Let me know if I can clarify the question better.


  • You can still use argmin() if you first calculate the distance of each (2D) grid point to your requested location. Small example:

    import xarray as xr
    import numpy as np
    f = xr.open_dataset('')
    # 2D latitude and longitude
    lons = f['lon'].values
    lats = f['lat'].values
    # Goal latitude and longitude
    lon = 4.
    lat = 52.
    # Calculate distance (in degrees..) for all grid points
    distance = np.sqrt( (lons-lon)**2 + (lats-lat)**2 )
    # `argmin` on a 2D (or 3D, 4D, ..) field gives the index in the flattened array:
    ji  = distance.argmin()
    # "Unravel" the index:
    j,i = np.unravel_index(ji, lons.shape)
    print(lons[j,i], lats[j,i])  # Prints: 3.989169 52.00158

    In this case, I simply used the Euclidean distance in degrees. You can always replace that by something more fancy or accurate, like e.g. the distance in spherical coordinates.