I want to create tick-labels in Bokeh that are formatted over multiple lines. Formatting in this way in regular Python is trivial, eg
'{} \n{}'.format('Category', 'Percentage')
will print
In my code, I'm doing this to create my plot data:
ds = OrderedDict(sorted(subdict.items(), key=lambda v: v[1], reverse=True))
ks = [i+', {:}% '.format(str(round(j/sum(ds.values())*100, None))) for i, j in ds.items()]
data = {'kz': ks, 'vals':list(ds.values())}
source = ColumnDataSource(data=data)
If I insert a newline into the format() statement in the above code (eg ', \n {:}%'
), bokeh ignores it.
bokeh.models.PrintfTickFormatter doesn't seem to offer a newline argument,
bokeh.models.CategoricalTickFormatter literally does nothing (the method is 'pass')
Tucked away in the bokeh documentation
for DatetimeTickFormatter
is the statement:
%n A newline character. Bokeh text does not currently support newline characters.
I can only assume that this applies to all and any text in bokeh.
Can anyone confirm, or correct, or offer a workaround?
nb In my use case, the chart is only ever exported as a png.
As of Bokeh 2.3 multi-line tick labels are possible only for categorical factors:
from bokeh.plotting import figure, show
factors = [
"a very long label \n that needs a break",
"a short label",
x = [50, 40]
p = figure(y_range=factors)
p.circle(x, factors, size=25, fill_color="orange", line_color="green", line_width=3)