How to use this function please?
I have a function that return list of right-hand side differential equations right(t, x0)
import scipy.integrate as ode
t, r =ode.RK45(right(t, x0), t0, tmax, dt)
The error:
TypeError: 'list' object is not callable
What should be the first argument please?
You pass the function as object, not a function value, thus
solver = ode.RK45(right)
and then in a loop over solver.integrate
you compute the desired integration steps, see the examples in the documentation.
If you have any recent version of scipy
, then use the newer solve_ivp
interface, where you provide everything in one call
solution = solve_ivp(right, [t0, tmax], y0, method = "RK45", t_eval = np.arange(t0,tmax,dt))
and find the solution components in solution.t
and solution.y
, where the latter is a tuple of the time series of each state component.