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If statement in PowerShell cmdlet parameter list

Send-Message `
    -From $emailAuthUser `
    -To $($emailTo -split ',') `
    if($emailCC -ne "NA") { -CC $($emailCC -split ',') } `
    -Subject $emailSubject `
    -Body $emailBody `
    -Attachments $attachments `
    -ReplyTo $($emailReplyTo -split ',') `
    -SmtpServer $emailSmtpServer `
    -Port $emailSmtpPort `
    -Credential $creds `

Error: A positional parameter cannot be found that accepts argument 'if'.

Is there an easy way to optionally include a parameter in a "built-in" cmdlet like I am trying to accomplish above? If so, how?


  • Splatting is the preferred way of performing complex parameter passing. You can store the parameters in a hash table and then add to the hash table using IF blocks. Then splat the hash into your command.

    $Params = @{
        From = $emailAuthUser;
        To = $($emailTo -split ',');
        Subject = $emailSubject;
        Body = $emailBody;
        Attachments = $attachments;
        ReplyTo = $($emailReplyTo -split ',');
        SmtpServer = $emailSmtpServer;
        Port = $emailSmtpPort;
        Credential = $creds;
        UseSsl = $True;
    if($emailCC -ne "NA") { $Params['CC'] = ($emailCC -split ',') }
    Send-Message @Params