I've a question (just like me)...
but...if I've a choosen algorithm written in C or C++ or whatever code you want...fixed a compiler I can determine the number of instructions but these intructions are different each other: x ADD, y MUL, z MOV, f FADD, t FMUL (F stands for FLOATING)...Is there a methodology or equation or something else that permits to write the number of instructions in number of "Equivalent instruction" to compare different algorith? Is there somebody of you that use this type of metric? is it a rubbish?
Part2: I Know that it dipends on uP and architecture in general. My problem is: To determine a execution time of different algorithms implemented on different architectures of soft core. On y-axis I must write time, on x-axis the number of instruction and the point of the graph are parametrized by the type of architecture (excuse me for my english). But on x-axix I think it's better to use something like number of "equivalent instruction"...
Is it a rubbish idea?
You don't quite understand the problem. Execution speed depends not only on instructions but on inter-instruction dependencies also. Microprocessors can execute several instructions at the same time given this instructions don't depend on each other. The ability to execute several instructions at a time differs from one processor family to another. That's why this task is really hardware-specific, it can't be solved once and for all.
All you can do is graph an execution timeline of instructions and processor cycles. Processor cycles could be y-axis, instructions could be x-axis. You'll have problems predicting cache hits and misses and execution time of many instructions will vary greatly depending on cache hits/misses. Be ready to spend a lot of time with processors manuals.