I'm trying to click on this calendar and insert a date automatically using selenium, but I got the error below:
invalid element state: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.
HTML snippet
<a id="enddate-dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="">
<p class="custom-datepickers__date-prefix ng-binding">To:</p>
<!-- ngIf: displayEndDate -->
<!-- ngIf: !displayEndDate --><div ng-if="!displayEndDate" class="custom-datepickers__no-date ng-scope"></div><!-- end ngIf: !displayEndDate -->
Code snippet
myclass.SetDateByXpath("//*[@id=\"enddate-dropdown\"]/p", myclass.GetDate("yyyy/MM/dd", mydate));
public void SetDateByXpath(String element, String value)
WebElement webElement = ExplicitWaitOnElement(By.xpath(element));
((JavascriptExecutor) driver).executeScript(
If I set the date manually, this is the HTML:
<a id="enddate-dropdown" class="dropdown-toggle" role="button" data-toggle="dropdown" data-target="">
<p class="custom-datepickers__date-prefix ng-binding">To:</p>
<!-- ngIf: displayEndDate --><p ng-if="displayEndDate" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2019/11/21</p><!-- end ngIf: displayEndDate -->
<!-- ngIf: !displayEndDate -->
Probably the website changed, but now I don't know how can I set this value. Any help will be appreciated.
This error message...
invalid element state: Element must be user-editable in order to clear it.
...implies that the element identified was not in a user-editable state to invoke clear()
To insert a date with in a dropdown-toggle with an Angular element there are two approaches:
on the calendar and insert a date using sendKeys()
to invoke removeAttribute()
the readonly attribute.However, as per the HTML you have shared it seems the element which gets populated with the date string i.e. 2019/11/21 is not readily available within the HTML DOM. So we can infer that the following element gets added to the DOM Tree as a result of interaction with other WebElements which is as follows:
<p ng-if="displayEndDate" class="ng-binding ng-scope">2019/11/21</p>
Hence the best approach would be,
on the element readily available within the HTML inducing WebDriverWait.sendKeys()
on the newly created element WebDriverWait.Code Block:
//element -> myclass.SetDateByXpath("//a[@class='dropdown-toggle' and @id='enddate-dropdown']"
// observe the change in the ^^^ xpath ^^^
//value -> myclass.GetDate("yyyy/MM/dd", mydate));
public void SetDateByXpath(String element, String value)
WebElement webElement = ExplicitWaitOnElement(By.xpath(element));
WebElement webElement_new = ExplicitWaitOnElement(By.xpath("//a[@class='dropdown-toggle' and @id='enddate-dropdown']//p[@class='ng-binding ng-scope' and @ng-if='displayEndDate']"));
You can find a relevant discussion in: