I wanted to know if there was a way for me to normalised the sound from a video to EBU R128 standard.
Current I am trying to do the 2 step bypass but I am unsure where I am going wrong.
these are the command I did:
ffmpeg -i D:\Person\Documents\Projects\IngestQC\ABN_.mxf -af loudnorm=I=-23:dual_mono=true:TP=-2:LRA=7:print_format=summary -f null -
The result is this:
[Parsed_loudnorm_0 @ 000002107bee2dc0]
Input Integrated: -17.4 LUFS
Input True Peak: +0.0 dBTP
Input LRA: 8.4 LU
Input Threshold: -27.9 LUFS
Output Integrated: -22.9 LUFS
Output True Peak: -4.2 dBTP
Output LRA: 6.4 LU
Output Threshold: -33.2 LUFS
Normalization Type: Dynamic
Target Offset: -0.1 LU
After that, I am doing this
ffmpeg -i D:\Person\Documents\Projects\IngestQC\abn.mxf -c:v copy -c:a pcm_s24le -ac 2 -af loudnorm=I=-23:TP=-2:LRA=7:measured_I=-17.4:measured_TP=0:measured_LRA=8.4:measured_thresh=-27.9:offset=-0.1:linear=true:print_format=summary -ar 48000 D:\Person\Documents\Projects\IngestQC\abn_done.mxf
However, when testing this against eFF to see if it is EBU R128 compliant (-23), it says that it's not compliant.
eFF says its value was:
Channel Group Information
Number of Groups: 2
Channel Group Layout: Mono_Mono
Channel Group Name: MonoOne
Loudness Specification: EBU R128
Loudness Units: LUFS
Program Loudness Target: -23.0 LUFS
Program Loudness: -26.0 LUFS
Loudness Range: 6
PPM Scale: BBC
PPM Threshold: 8.00
Max PPM: 6.62
True Peak Threshold: -3.00 dBTP
Maximum True Peak: -5.00 dBTP
Attenuation required for file to meet target: 3.0
Channel Group Name: MonoTwo
Loudness Specification: EBU R128
Loudness Units: LUFS
Program Loudness Target: -23.0 LUFS
Program Loudness: -26.0 LUFS
Loudness Range: 6
PPM Scale: BBC
PPM Threshold: 8.00
Max PPM: 6.62
True Peak Threshold: -3.00 dBTP
Maximum True Peak: -5.00 dBTP
Attenuation required for file to meet target: 3.0
I am not sure what i am doing wrong
I want to know if there is a way to get it to give the correct audio loudness while keeping it the same format of mxf
Found the answer:
First I need to run
ffmpeg -i 03.mxf -c:v copy -c:a pcm_s24le -af loudnorm=I=-23:TP=-2:LRA=7:print_format=json -f null -
Then Followed by this, making sure to add the correct info
ffmpeg -i 03.mxf -c:v copy -c:a pcm_s24le -af loudnorm=I=-23:TP=-3:LRA=7:measured_I=-20.40:measured_LRA=8.40:measured_TP=0.02:measured_thresh=-30.86:offset=-0.12:linear=true:print_format=summary -ar 48k newTest1.mxf
ffmpeg -i newTest1.mxf -map 0:0 -map 0:1 -map 0:1 -c:v copy -c:a copy ACnewTest1.mxf