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Can I Log all requests using Flurl.Http?

Asp.NET core logs each request that enters based on configuration. Now i'd like to have the same functionality for Flurl requests i sent. Most notably, I of course would like to know when a requests fails or does not complete. For debugging I found logging all requests in a verbose matter was extremely helpful.


  • Sure can. For cross-cutting concerns like logging, you want to use Flurl's event handlers, specifically BeforeCall, AfterCall, and OnError. Here's an error logging example:

    private async Task HandleFlurlErrorAsync(HttpCall call) 
        await LogErrorAsync(call.Exception.Message);
        call.ExceptionHandled = true; // prevents exception from bubbling up, if desired
    // Configure globally:
    FlurlHttp.Clients.WithDefaults(builder =>

    The above example registers the handler for all Flurl calls when the clientless pattern is used. There are other options, such as configuring for a specific client or request, or registering it with your DI container. See the docs for more details.