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How to configure behaviour of mapper.insertSelective(record) method generated by MyBatisGenerator. using JUnit4 and Mockito?

In my WebApp, I have used MyBatisGenerator to generate mapper interfaces. I have a class UserService as follows:

public class UserService {

    UserMapper userMapper;

    public int create(UserParams userParams) {

        User user = new User();

        int userId = user.getUserId();//line 10 in method.

        return userId;

I have written a test class as follows:

public class UserServiceTest extends SpringBootHelloWorldTests {

    UserService service;

    UserMapper userMapper;

    public void testUserService_create(){

        UserParams userParams=new UserParams();
        int i=service.create(userParams);

When I execute this test class I am getting a error because in the UserService class in the create method - line number 10. I am getting a NullPointerException as the userId of the user object is null.

I am aware of the fact that it's not possible to mock method local variables.

If I run this same UserService normally (in WebApp), the userMapper.insertSelective method populates the userId of the user passed into the method.

How can we mock userMapper.insertSelective method so that I can configure it to populate a userId in the user object of my test class test method?


  • Assuming that insertSelective is a void method you can user doAnswer, to manipulate the argument passed to the mock. (If it is not a void method use when( ... ).thenAnswer( ... ).)

    public void testUserService_create() {
        Mockito.doAnswer(new Answer<Void>() {
            public Void answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                User user = (User) invocation.getArguments()[0];
                return null;
        UserParams userParams = new UserParams();
        int i = service.create(userParams);
        Assert.assertEquals(5, i);