I'm trying to count instances where a certain string appears in a dataframe (this will be a sub-string, i.e. "blue" will appear within a larger block of text), and then summarize those counts by another field.
Here's the code:
totals_by_county <- county_data %>%
summarise(number_occurences = count(grepl('blue', county_data$color,ignore.case = TRUE)))
And I get this error:
no applicable method for 'summarise_' applied to an object of class "logical"
Is there a way to do this in the method I'm trying to use above?
With grepl
totals_by_county <- county_data %>%
group_by(county) %>%
summarise(number_occurences = sum(grepl('blue', color, ignore.case = TRUE)))
or, with count_if
from expss
totals_by_county <- county_data %>%
group_by(county) %>%
summarise(number_occurences = count_if(perl('blue', ignore.case = TRUE), color))
UPDATE with reproducible example:
county_data = data.frame(
county = c("A", "A", "A", "B", "B"),
color = c("blue-blue", "red", "orange-blue", "yellow", "green"),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
county_data %>%
group_by(county) %>%
summarise(number_occurences = count_if(perl('blue', ignore.case = TRUE), color))
# A tibble: 2 x 2
# county number_occurences
# <chr> <int>
# 1 A 2
# 2 B 0