I have gone through this solution but this is not what I am looking for get parameters from URL in controller constructor.
Let's say, In an ASP.NET Core Controller I'm requesting to some methods. Let's say the controller is something like:
public class ClassroomsController : Controller {
private string requestedUserId;
// C O N S T R U C T O R
public ClassroomsController()
/**** THIS POINT ***/
requestedUserId = ;
public IActionResult API01(string userId)
public IActionResult API02(string userId)
What I want is whether I request in Classrooms/API02 or Classrooms/API01 the requestedUserId should be initiated inside the constructor based on the parameter userId in both API01 and API02;
What I want is whether I request in Classrooms/API02 or Classrooms/API01 the requestedUserId should be initiated inside the constructor based on the parameter userId in both API01 and API02
Short Answer: Not Possible.
All request related logic needs to happen within the action itself.
public class ClassroomsController : Controller {
// C O N S T R U C T O R
public ClassroomsController() {
public IActionResult API01(string userId) {
string requestedUserId = userId;
public IActionResult API02(string userId) {
string requestedUserId = userId;
If there is some common functionality that needs to be invoked, then move that to a method that can be called by the controller actions when invoked.