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Powershell check if variable in CSV file

I have a PS script, which loops through file folders and archive some of them:

$CSV = import-csv -path C:\folder\Builds\ApplicationsMappingNew.csv
$Application = $CSV.Application

$GetAppPath = Get-ChildItem -Path $DestinationDir\Server\*

foreach($line in $GetAppPath){

        $AppPath = $Line.fullname
        $AppName = Split-Path $AppPath -Leaf
        $RAR_Destination = "C:\folder\Builds\test1\SOA-ConfigurationManagement"+"\"+"$AppName"+"_st-FTP.rar"
        Push-Location $AppPath
        & "C:\Program Files (x86)\WinRAR\rar" a -r $RAR_Destination 

And I have a CSV file, which has an Application column:

enter image description here

My question is - how, inside a foreach loop, can I compare the $Appname loop variable value with the values inside the $Application array variable?

And, if the value of $AppName equals a value inside the $Application array, execute Push-Location and execute a winrar command. If not, skip to next element in foreach($line in $GetAppPath)?


  • To answer the question as asked:

    if the value of $AppName equals a value inside the $Application array

    Use either of the following tests:

    if ($AppName -in $Application) { ... 
    if ($Application -contains $AppName) { ... 

    The above performs literal, whole-value, case-insensitive matching to see if $AppName is contained in (matches an element of) array $Application - see the bottom section for details.

    Based on your own answer, what you actually needed was not equality comparison, but wildcard matching.

    You can use the -like operator, because - like many PowerShell comparison operators, it can operate on arrays (collections):

    if ($Application -like "$AppName*") { ... }

    Note that this works slightly differently, in that -like with an array-valued LHS doesn't return a Boolean, but acts as an array filter; that is, it returns an array of matching elements; if nothing matches, you get an empty array.

    Thanks to PowerShell's implicit to-Boolean conversion, however, the returned array can be treated like a Boolean, so the conditional is effectively $false if nothing matches (empty array), and $true if at least one element matched (non-empty array with nonempty strings).

    PowerShell's containment operators, -in and -contains:

    PowerShell offers two (collection) containment operators:

    • <potential-member> -in <collection> (the negation exists too: -notin)
    • <collection> -contains <potential-member> (the negation exists too: -notcontains)

    Both essentially perform an -eq test of <potential-member> agains each element of <collection> and return a Boolean ($true or $false) to indicate if (at least) one element of the collection matches the potential member.

    For strings, as with -eq, each element is tested against the potential member using literal, whole-value, case-insensitive matching.

    For more information about these operators, see this answer.