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cloudbuild.yaml create a sql instance

Hi I am new to the GCP world and am creating my first cloudbuild.yaml file.

I haven't found an example of how to create a cloud sql instance(Postgres or MySQL), is this not supported?

it's not listed in the cloud-builders-community on GitHub.

Anything to point me in the right direction would be a big help.

I have this below and don't know if it is the correct or best way to do this:

        # # steps:
    # # # Create Cloud SQL Instance
    # # - name:
    # #   id: 'create_cloud_sql_instance'
    # #   entrypoint: "bash"
    # #   args: 
    # #     - '-c' # pass what follows as a command to bash
    # #     - |
    # #       gcloud sql instances create $_INSTANCE_NAME --database-version=POSTGRES_11 \
    # #        --cpu=$_NUMBER_CPUS --memory=$_MEMORY_SIZE \
    # #        --region=[$_REGION] 
    # #   waitFor: ["-"]

Thanks in advance.


  • You are on the right track, but you don't need to change the entrypoint to be bash and then execute the gcloud command, as the image already has gcloud as the entrypoint.

    Doing this works:

    - name: ''
      args: ["sql", "instances", "create", "$_INSTANCE_NAME", "--database-version=POSTGRES_11", "--region=$_REGION"]

    Also you don't need the waitFor tag for the step either, if you are not concerned about concurrent/consecutive build steps.