Inside a function, I created a local dataframe with name resamp_df. I am trying to pass this local dataframe to a thread function as an argument for running some algorithm on it. Here is my code:
main function
if readyForOrder:
order_thread = threading.Thread(target=order_management, name='thread1', args=resamp_df)
thread function
def order_management(df):
global readyForOrder, order_id, order_id_counter, ltp
if df.shape[0] >= 3:
readyForOrder = False
old_ltp = df.iat[-2, 0]
new_ltp = df.iat[-1, 0]
But my thread is not running. It generates following errors:
TypeError: order_management() takes 1 positional argument but 7 were given
Any suggestions to make it work?
Thanks in advance
Pass in arguments as a tuple
args=(resamp_df, )
as the documentation mentions args as a tuple.
Args is a tuple because the task function takes multiple positional arguments and you need to have an appropriate data structure to hold that.