I am using sanic to build a simple API. I have two end points defined:
from sanic import Blueprint, response
from sanic_openapi import doc
bp = Blueprint('default', url_prefix="", version=2, strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary('Default GET endpoint for API v2')
async def route_get(request):
resp = {"message": "New API - GET", "version": 2.0}
return response.json(resp)
@doc.summary('Default POST endpoint for API v2')
async def route_post(request):
resp = {"message": "New API - POST", "version": 2.0}
return response.json(resp)
The generated swagger documents fails validation, with the following message
"attribute paths.'/v2/'(post).operationId is repeated",
I am expecting to have several routes that have multiple HTTP verbs going to the same path:
GET /v2/product
POST /v2/product
DELETE /v2/product/{id}
PUT /v2/product/{id}
I've tested with these endpoints too, and I get two errors about operationId being repeated. One is for the /v2/product
path and one is for /v2/product/{id}
How can I solve this error?
Something like the below code can help , So that you can use the same path for POST,GET,PUT,DELETE Separately and write your own logic.
I have Modified your Code a Little Bit , Here below is the code :
from sanic import Blueprint, response
from sanic_openapi import doc
bp = Blueprint('default', url_prefix="", version=2, strict_slashes=True)
@bp.get("/<product_id:int>", strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary('Default GET endpoint for API v2')
async def route_get(request):
resp = {"message": "New API - GET", "version": 2.0}
return response.json(resp)
@bp.put("/<product_id:int>", strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary('Default POST endpoint for API v2')
async def route_post(request):
resp = {"message": "New API - POST", "version": 2.0}
return response.json(resp)
If you have to use the Model Object with product , You can use something like the below, I have Created a full fledged example for your reference.
Folder Structure :
from sanic.blueprints import Blueprint
from sanic.response import json
from sanic_openapi import doc
from models import Product
from data import test_product
blueprint = Blueprint('Products', '/products')
@blueprint.get("/<product_id:int>", strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary("Fetches a product with product Id")
def route_get(request, product_id):
resp = {"message": "New API - GET", "version": 2.0}
return json(resp)
@blueprint.put("/<product_id:int>", strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary("Updates a Product with the Updated product Details from the contends from Body")
@doc.consumes(Product, location='body')
def route_post(request, product_id):
resp = {"message": "New API - POST", "version": 2.0}
return json(resp)
from models import Product
import datetime
test_product = Product()
test_product = {
'id': 1,
'name': 'Gross'
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic_openapi import swagger_blueprint
from blueprints.product import blueprint as product_blueprint
app = Sanic()
app.config.API_VERSION = '1.0.0'
app.config.API_TITLE = 'Product API'
app.run(host="", debug=True)
from sanic_openapi import doc
class Product:
id = int
name = str
Now running python main.py
Console Output :
[2019-11-22 16:20:53 +0530] [15744] [INFO] Goin' Fast @
[2019-11-22 16:20:53 +0530] [15744] [WARNING] Sanic tried to use loop.add_signal_handler but it is not implemented on this platform.
[2019-11-22 16:20:53 +0530] [15744] [WARNING] Sanic tried to use loop.add_signal_handler but it is not implemented on this platform.
[2019-11-22 16:20:53 +0530] [15744] [INFO] Starting worker [15744]
Accessing Swagger UI with API :
If You have to use a Class based view Demonstration , Here below are the two files which can help.
Project Structure
from sanic_openapi import doc
from sanic_openapi import swagger_blueprint
from sanic import Sanic
from sanic.response import json
from blueprint import blueprint
app = Sanic()
@app.get("/product", strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary("Displays the Product Details ")
async def get_product(request):
return json({})
@app.post("/product", strict_slashes=True)
@doc.summary("Creates a product in Repositary")
@doc.consumes({"product": {"name": str}}, location="body")
async def create_product(request):
return json({})
app.config.API_VERSION = 'pre-alpha'
app.config.API_TITLE = 'Display Products Demonstration API'
app.run(host="", debug=True)
from sanic.blueprints import Blueprint
from sanic.views import HTTPMethodView
from sanic_openapi import doc
from sanic.response import json
blueprint = Blueprint('Class-based View', url_prefix='/class-based-view')
class MyView(HTTPMethodView):
@doc.summary("Get my view")
def get(self, request):
return json({"method": "GET"})
@doc.summary("Post my view")
@doc.consumes({"view": {"name": str}}, location="body")
def post(self, request):
return json({"method": "POST"})
blueprint.add_route(MyView.as_view(), '/view', strict_slashes=True)
Now run python main.py
[2019-11-22 16:50:41 +0530] [12212] [INFO] Goin' Fast @
[2019-11-22 16:50:41 +0530] [12212] [WARNING] Sanic tried to use loop.add_signal_handler but it is not implemented on this platform.
[2019-11-22 16:50:41 +0530] [12212] [WARNING] Sanic tried to use loop.add_signal_handler but it is not implemented on this platform.
[2019-11-22 16:50:41 +0530] [12212] [INFO] Starting worker [12212]
You can now see the SWAGGER UI at http://localhost:8000/swagger/