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how to get index by name from multi index container formed with indices using type hiding

I am trying to make multiple index container using type hiding for indexed_by part. So i start by making the type to be used in container and make some tags

struct Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct   //Duration_Signal_Folder_Map_struct >>>log file destination

    int         Id;
    std::string Duration;
    std::string FolderDuration;
    std::string FolderDurationSpecefied;
    std::string FolderDurationPathString;
    std::string FolderDurationSpecefiedPathString;

    Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct(const std::string& duration, const std::string& folderdurationspecefied, std::string const& folderdurationspecefiedpathstring ) : Duration(duration), FolderDurationSpecefied(folderdurationspecefied), FolderDurationSpecefiedPathString(folderdurationspecefiedpathstring)
        if (duration == "AllTime")
            Id = 0;
        else if (duration == "Yearly")
            Id = 1;
        else if (duration == "Monthly")
            Id = 2;
        else if (duration == "Daily")
            Id = 3;
        switch (duration)
        case "AllTime": printf("Choice is AllTime");
        case "Yearly": printf("Choice is 2");
        case "Monthly": printf("Choice is 3");
        case "Daily": printf("Choice is 3");
        default: printf("Choice other than 1, 2 and 3");

    bool operator<(const Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct& e)const { return Id<e.Id; }
/* tags for accessing the corresponding indices of Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set */

struct Id {};
struct Duration_d {};
struct FolderDuration {};
struct FolderDurationSpecefied {};
struct FolderDurationPathString {};
struct FolderDurationSpecefiedPathString {};

struct Duration_FolderDuration {};
struct FolderDuration_FolderDurationSpecefied {};
struct FolderDurationSpecefiedPathString {};
struct FolderDurationSpecefiedPathString {};
struct FolderDurationSpecefiedPathString {};
struct D_FD_FDS {};
*NB: The use of derivation here instead of simple typedef is explained in
* Compiler specifics : type hiding.

struct D_FD_FDS_key :composite_key <
    BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct, std::string, Duration),
    BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct, std::string, FolderDuration),
    BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct, std::string, FolderDurationSpecefied)
> {};

struct Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set_indices :
    indexed_by <
    //tag<Id>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct, int, Id)>,
    tag<Id>, member<Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct, int, &Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct::Id> >,
    tag<Duration_d>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct, std::string, Duration)>,
    tag<FolderDuration>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct, std::string, FolderDuration)>,
    tag<FolderDurationSpecefied>, BOOST_MULTI_INDEX_MEMBER(Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct, std::string, FolderDurationSpecefied)>,
    tag<D_FD_FDS>, D_FD_FDS_key >
typedef multi_index_container<
> Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set;

Then i make typedef for one index of this container

typedef Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set::index<D_FD_FDS>::type Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set_by_D_FD_FDS;

but when i try to use Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set_by_D_FD_FDS to get iterator ,intellisense of visual studio tells me that the type of this index is mpl::void

i think this is related to type hiding as now the multi index typedef does not have the expanded indexed_by list..
how can i retrieve certain index from multiindex container typedefined with derived struct of indexed_by???


  • I don't see any problem with your code. For instance, the following works perfectly (complete sample here):

    typedef Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set::index<D_FD_FDS>::type Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set_by_D_FD_FDS;
    typedef Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set_by_D_FD_FDS::iterator  Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set_by_D_FD_FDS_iterator;    
    int main() 
      Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set                      s;
      Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set_by_D_FD_FDS&         sd=s.get<D_FD_FDS>();
      Log_file_Dur_Sig_F_Map_struct_set_by_D_FD_FDS_iterator first=sd.begin(),last=sd.end();

    So, my guess is that Intellisense is choking due to the complexity of the types involved. This shouln't in principle prevent you from going on with compilation.