I have tried to create a program to run in my VM to make it so I can do a transfer of data from a directory to my azure blob storage account. Whenever I run the command outside of the program (On the command line) it works, however, if I run the program that contains a subprocess that runs the command, it does not work.
Here is what I send over the command line that works:
sudo ./azcopy cp "/directory/subdirectory" "https://myblob.blob.core.windows.net/container[SAS]" --recursive=true
This completes the data transfer.
When I put it into a program, I ran into many issues.
Current code:
import subprocess
import os
import sys
key = ('SAS')
file_path = ('/directory/subdirectory')
full_link = ('"https://myblob.blob.core.windows.net/' + key + '"')
transfer = subprocess.check_output(['azcopy', 'cp', file_path,
'--recursive=true'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
print('Transfer Complete.')
# except subprocess.CalledProcessError as e:
# raise RuntimeError("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
except EOFError as error:
#Output for EOF error, would be caused by missing SAS
print('Error with SAS')
except Exception as e:
#When an unexpected error has occured.
print(str(e) + 'Unknown error has occured')
Command '['azcopy', 'cp', '/directory/subdirectory', '"https://myblob.blob.core.windows.net/[SAS]"', '--recursive=true']'
returned non-zero exit status 1Unknown error has occured
If I re-add the except statement I have in the code that is currently commented out, I get this error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "data_transfer.py", line 11, in <module>
'--recursive=true'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/subprocess.py", line 626, in check_output
File "/usr/lib/python3.5/subprocess.py", line 708, in run
output=stdout, stderr=stderr)
subprocess.CalledProcessError: Command '['azcopy', 'cp', 'datadrive/peeled-images', '"https://myblob.blob.core.windows.net[SAS]"', '--recursive=true']' returned non-zero exit status 1
During handling of the above exception, another exception occurred:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "data_transfer.py", line 14, in <module>
raise RuntimeError("command '{}' return with error (code {}): {}".format(e.cmd, e.returncode, e.output))
RuntimeError: command '['azcopy', 'cp', '/directory/subdirectory', '"https://myblob.blob.core.windows.net/[SAS]"', '--recursive=true']' return with error (code 1): b'\nfailed to parse user input due to error: the inferred source/destination combination is currently not supported. Please post an issue on Github if support for this scenario is desired\n'
All help is much appreciated
The answer to this was to change the following line:
subprocess.check_output(['azcopy', 'cp', '/directory/subdirectory',
full_link, '--recursive=true'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
The change needed was:
subprocess.call(['azcopy', 'cp', '/directory/subdirectory',
full_link, '--recursive=true'], stderr=subprocess.STDOUT)
This is because this was meant to run and execute a program, not necessarily provide a specific output.