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Java Excel/POJO Mapping in POI

Java 8 here using Apache POI 4.1 to load Excel (XLSX) files into memory, and write lists of Java beans/POJOs back to new Excel files.

To me, an Excel file (at least the ones I'm working with) is really a list of POJOs, with each row being a different instance of the POJO, and each column a different field value for that instance. Observe:

enter image description here

Here I might have a POJO called Car, and the example spreadsheet above is a List<Car>:

public class Car {

  private String manufacturer;
  private String model;
  private String color;
  private String year;
  private BigDecimal price;


So I have functioning code that will read an Excel file ("new-cars.xlsx") into a List<Car>, process that list, and then write the processed list back to an output file, say, "processed-cars.xlsx":

// 1. Load excel file into a List<Car>
InputStream inp = new FileInputStream("new-cars.xlsx");
Workbook workbook = WorkbookFactory.create(inp);
Iterator<Row> iterator = workbook.getSheetAt(0).iterator();

List<Car> carsInventory = new ArrayList<>();
while (iterator.hasNext()) {

    Car car = new Car();

    Row currentRow =;

    // don't read the header
    if (currentRow.getRowNum() == 0) {

    Iterator<Cell> cellIterator = currentRow.iterator();

    while (cellIterator.hasNext()) {

        Cell currentCell =;
        CellAddress address = currentCell.getAddress();

        if (0 == address.getColumn()) {
            // 1st col is "Manufacturer"
        } else if (1 == address.getColumn()) {
            // 2nd col is "Model"
        } else if (2 == address.getColumn()) {
            // 3rd col is "Color"
        } else if (3 == address.getColumn()) {
            // 4th col is "Year"
        } else if (4 == address.getColumn()) {
            // 5th col is "Price"




// 2. Process the list of Cars; doesn't matter what this does
List<Car> processedInventory = processInventory(carsInventory);

// 3. Output to "processed-cars.xlsx"
Workbook workbook = new XSSFWorkbook();
Sheet sheet = workbook.createSheet("Processed Inventory");
int rowNum = 0;

// create headers
Row headerRow = sheet.createRow(rowNum);


// rip through the cars list and convert each one into a subsequent row
for (Car processedCar : processedInventory) {

    Row nextRow = sheet.createRow(rowNum);




FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("processed-cars.xlsx");


While this works, it looks really ugly/nasty to me. I've used JSON mappers (Jackson, GSON, etc.), XML mappers (XStream) and OR/M tools (Hibernate) for years, and it occurred to me that POI's API (or some other library) might offer a "mapper-esque" solution that would allow me to map/bind the Excel data to/from a list of POJOs with minimal code and maximal elegance. However, I cannot find any such feature anywhere. Maybe this is because it doesn't exist, or maybe I'm just not searching for the right keywords.

Ideally, something along the lines of:

// Annotate the fields with something that POI (or whatever tool) can pick up
public class Car {

  @ExcelColumn(name = "Manufacturer", col = 0)
  private String manufacturer;

  @ExcelColumn(name = "Model", col = 1)
  private String model;

  @ExcelColumn(name = "Color", col = 2)
  private String color;

  @ExcelColumn(name = "Year", col = 3)
  private String year;

  @ExcelColumn(name = "Price", col = 4)
  private BigDecimal price;


// 2. Now load the Excel into a List<Car>
InputStream inp = new FileInputStream("new-cars.xlsx");
List<Car> carsInventory = WorkbookFactory.create(inp).buildList(Car.class);

// 3. Process the list
List<Car> processedInventory = processInventory(carsInventory);

//4. Write to a new file
WorkbookFactory.write(processInventory, "processed-cars.xlsx");

Does anything like this exist in POI-land? Or am I stuck with what I got?


  • As of now Apache POI does not have such a feature. There are external libraries which you can check. I provide a few libraries below.

    The library is available in mvnrepository, link is given below. This library provides only one way binding like from excel sheet to java pojo only.

    As per the above, you can do something like this.

    public class Employee {
        private int rowIndex;
        private long employeeId;  
        private String name;
        private String surname;
        private int age;

    To get the information from excel sheet to java object, you have to do in the following manner.

    List<Employee> employees = Poiji.fromExcel(new File("employees.xls"), Employee.class);

    There is another library which can do both things like excel to java and java to excel. I provide below the link.

    As per above library, you can do something like this.

    public class Employee {
        private Integer age;
        public String getName() {
            return name;

    To get data from xlsx file, you have to write like this.

    final File xlsxFile = new File("<path_to_file>");
    final XlsReader reader = new XlsReader();
    List<Employee> employees =, xlsxFile);

    To write data to the excel sheet, you have to do like this.

    List<Employee> employees = new ArrayList<Employee>();
    employees.add(new Employee("1", "foo", 12, "MALE", 1.68));
    SpreadsheetWriter writer = new SpreadsheetWriter("<output_file_path>");
    writer.addSheet(Employee.class, employees);

    You have to evaluate both the libraries for your use cases.