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Persistent volumes with docker-compose and RStudio/Jupyter

I am trying to create an RStudio instance and a Jupyter Notebook instance using docker-compose building an image. I can create these instances but the volumes mounted do not seem to be "persistent".

Below is the tree structure of my folders:

├── Docker
│   ├── docker-compose.yml
│   └── Dockerfile
└── R_and_Jupyter_scripts
    └── files_already_there.txt

I would like:

1) The files_already_there.txt to be available in my RStudio and Jupyter Notebook instance.

2) That any new file/script created from one of the two instances appears in the R_and_Jupyter_scripts folder with read/write permissions. i.e: I created a textfile "output.txt" from the RStudio instance but when I check the path, here is where the file is saved:

sudo find / -name "output.txt"

Below is my current docker-compose.yml, can you identify what is wrong?

version: "3.5"
      - USER=maxence
      - PASSWORD=password
    image: "rocker/tidyverse:latest"
     context: ./
     dockerfile: Dockerfile
      - /home/ec2-user/R_and_Jupyter_scripts:/var/lib/docker/
    container_name: rstudio
     - 8787:8787

    image: 'jupyter/datascience-notebook:latest'
     - 8888:8888
      - /home/ec2-user/R_and_Jupyter_scripts:/var/lib/docker/
    container_name: jupyter

Thanks a lot.


  • I don't have your Dockerfile and it looks like you're running an Amazon instance, so I can't reproduce this for certain but if I delete the Dockerfile part and make some other edits I can make something that works on my Ubuntu 18 machine.

    version: "3.5"
          - USER=maxence
          - PASSWORD=password
        image: "rocker/tidyverse:latest"
          - /tmp/R_and_Jupyter_scripts:/home/maxence/R_and_Jupyter_scripts
        container_name: rstudio
          - 8787:8787
        image: 'jupyter/datascience-notebook:latest'
          - 8888:8888
          - /tmp/R_and_Jupyter_scripts:/home/jovyan/R_and_Jupyter_scripts
        working_dir: /home/jovyan/R_and_Jupyter_scripts
        container_name: jupyter

    I used /tmp/R_and_Jupyter_scripts as the location outside the containers.

    In Rstudio, /home/maxence is created because this corresponds to the USER that is specified and this will be the location that is shown when you log in. I then simply created a directory below this in the volume directive to be the location of the files outside the containers. When you log on to Rstudio, you will see a folder called R_and_Jupyter_scripts that you will be able to enter and create whatever you like (I thought working_dir would work but it always seems always to start in the home folder)

    In the Jupyter image you are using, the default user is jovyan so a folder /home/jovyan will be created automatically. I then use this in the volume and working_dir directives. The Jupyter container will use this working_dir when you log on.

    I tested it and read and write works in all 3 places.

    Using /var/lib/docker will create a volume correctly inside each container, the issue is that there is no way for either client to be able to set their location to it.