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Select in SQLite filtering a String column with separator like array

I have to add a column on my users table to filter by personalized tags. The idea is to store them in my sqlite database separated by ',' or ';' or some kind of separator.

How could I make a select filtering by those values?

The values of that column can change, so I need a method that enables adding or editing those tags in other queries.

Something like

FROM users
WHERE tags contain especific tag or tags

or are there any better practice for doing this? (that don't require a new index table)


  • The idea is to store them in my sqlite database separated by ',' or ';' or some kind of separator

    It looks like it's not too late yet not to hurt yourself... Before you go further, consider reading this advice.

    The correct way to represent that 1-N relationship in your relational database is to create a separated table, eg user_tags, whose structure should look like:

        id       -- unique identifier (optional)
        user_id  -- reference to users(id)
        tag      -- name of the tag

    Possibly, you could enhance this model by creating a table to store the name of the tags (an other meta information if needed), and reference the id of the table in the user_tags table, whose structure would look like:

        id       -- unique identifier
        name     -- tag name
        id       -- unique identifier (optional)
        user_id  -- reference to users(id)
        tag_id   -- reference to tags(id)

    I need a method that enables adding or editing those tags in other queries.

    Using a comma-separated list, this will be painful. With a separate table, you can use simple joins for this, or an exists condition to check for multiple tags:

    -- get all users who own at least one of these tags
    select u.*
    from users u
    where exists (
        select 1
        from user_tags ut
        inner join tags t on ut.tag_id = and in ('foo', 'bar', 'baz')
        where ut.user_id =