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Deploy BizTalk Schema Solution without redeploying dependent Solutions

I have three solutions. One is a schema solution that only has a schema File in it, lets call it the SchemaSolution.

The SchemaSolution is referenced in my other two solutions because the Solution1 creates xml instances of the schema in the SchemaSolution and drops it as self-correlating in the message box.

This works magically but if I want to update one of the solutions where the SchemaSolution is referenced (deploy to BizTalk) I always have to delete the other solutions. This is horrible and I was not able to find a solution until now.

Is there a (no hacky) way? I thought about merging all Projects into one solution, but this is the worst case scenario I can imagine to achieve my goal.

How can I deploy a project that is referenced in different solutions without deleting and redeploying everything?

BizTalk 2013R2 in use


  • I have a very similar (if not the same) issue within a solution. I have a set of integration projects dependent on a simple schema project. If I deploy one integration project, I must deploy the schema project, which means I must deploy all integration projects!

    In order to deploy them independently, I simply turned the redeploy flag from true to false within properties (in VS) of the schema project..

    VS Redeploy Flag

    This allows me to redeploy as many other dependent projects as I like without having to delete or mess around. I can deploy a single integration project with no effect on the others. The only caveat, is when you redeploy, for some reason, VS flags the fact you have set redeploy to False on the schema project as an error and says that one of the projects was not deployed. Not a true error, more of a warning imo.

    I have been doing this in BT2016, I would assume you can do the same in 2013