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Cant re-install Chrome extension through registry after uninstall in manually

If I install and then uninstall our extension through the registry everything works fine. But if I install it through the registry and then uninstall it through the browser extensions page the browser remembers it and i can't reinstall it through the registry even if I remove it and then try to reinstall it through the registry. The only way I can have the extension reinstalled is to add it manually to the extensions page. But, I don't want my users to have to do it manually. Is there a way to force install it again?

Thanks, Ben


  • I found a solution to the problem. But, I decided not to use it because I decided it is a good idea not to force installation after the user removed the extension. Just thought that you will want to know the solution: Turn off your Google Chrome browser go to the 'Preferences' file under: c:\users\\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome\User Data\Default there find your extension under "{Guid}" then delete everything from "{guid}" (included) to the close '}' and then save and start your browser. this hack will force chrome to check again for extensions and your extension will be on again.