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MongoDB Go driver reset connection

I'm using official MongoDB Go driver (

As ConnectString I use mongodb://localhost:12345/test?maxidletimems=100000000000. Sample of connection code:

clientOptions := options.Client().ApplyURI(ConnectString)

client, err = mongo.Connect(context.Background(), clientOptions)

After some time (about 12 hours) driver reset connection(I think that driver do it, because mongodb not write any logs besides "client disconnect").

And I don't check connection(use Ping or something else), just trying to write. Sample:

coll := client.Database(DatabaseName).Collection(CollectionName)

_, err = coll.InsertOne(context.Background(), item)

This returns error "driver: bad connection".

After connection I write some items to db, so collection and other things exists.

I pass maxidletimems ~= 3 years, but connection dies.

What happen? How to keep connection alive?


  • My bad, it was message from another database. Named Clickhouse. Thank to all of you guys