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RxJS BehaviouSubject when using map operator in service and subscribing in the component

I am new to BehaviourSubject in RxJS and I am trying to use it to share data across components. I am not sure how exactly to use it. The code in my component is

export class CarsListComponent implements OnInit {
  cars: Cars[] = []; 
  constructor(private carsListService: CarsListService) { }

     ngOnInit() {
      .subscribe(response => { response;
      }, error => {

The code in my service is

 export class CarsService {

 constructor(private http: HttpClient) {}

 getCars(): Observable<Car[]> {
    return this.http.get<Car[]>(url,headers)
        map(response => response)

I don't know how to use BehaviourSubject and how to implement it. Please help me out with this.


  • From the question i think you are trying to use the same across multiple components . If you want to share it then using BehaviorSubject is one way to do it as it stores the value even if already subscribed to it.

    Let's create a shared service that will be injected into multiple components say app-shared.service.ts

    app-shared.service.ts :

    import { Injectable } from '@angular/core';
    import { BehaviorSubject , Observable} from 'rxjs';
    export class AppSharedService {
      carsListSubjectt : BehaviorSubject<Cars[]> = new BehaviorSubject<Cars[]>([]);
      constructor() { }
      updateCarsList(cars : Cars[]) : void{;
      getCarsList() : Observable<Cars[]>{
        return this.carsListSubjectt.asObservable();
    export interface Cars{
      carType : string ;
      manufacturedDate : Date;
      condition : string;

    Note : Cars interface is just my definition . Use your definition .

    Now you just have to inject the app-shared.service in your required component.

    To update data , using your code :

    export class CarsListComponent implements OnInit {
      cars: Cars[] = []; 
      constructor(private carsListService: CarsListService, private _appSharedService : AppSharedService) { }
         ngOnInit() {
          .subscribe(response => {
          }, error => {

    You just have to subscribe to the getCarsList() defined in the app-shared.service as it is going to return an Observable<Cars[]> .

    Let me know if this helps :)