Okay, so I have this movie xml file that contains two movies. I want to get all movies that contain the 'Action' string.
<movie id="19995">
<genre genre_id="28">Action</genre>
<genre genre_id="12">Adventure</genre>
<genre genre_id="14">Fantasy</genre>
<movie id="19995">
<genre genre_id="14">Fantasy</genre>
<genre genre_id="878">Science Fiction</genre>
This is my code atm.
let $xml_file := doc("tmdb_5000_movies")
let $action_movies := $xml_file//movie[contains(genre/text(), 'Action')]
But I get the following error message.
[XPTY0004] Item expected, sequence found: (text {"Action"}, text {"Adventure"}, ......
indeed takes one item; but since each movie in the xml has two or more genres, contains
encounters a sequence of two or three items, resulting in the error message.
Try it this way:
let $action_movies := $xml_file//movie
return $action_movies[genre[contains(text(),'Action')]]