I need help trying to figure out something I haven't done before in Excel VBA. I'm trying to assign specific (consecutive) rows of a listobject to an array. Is this possible?
Previously I was using code to copy over the entire table into the array, which worked, but it would capture unused blank rows I didn't want included. I was able to get some FUNCTIONS up and running which capture the first and low filled row numbers of the listobject for reference, but I cannot figure out how to assign ONLY this range of rows from the listobject into the array
This, for instance, works to assign only the 1st row: varESInvoiceBreakdown = PrimeLO.ListRows(1).Range.Value
However, this doesn't work to capture the first two rows. I get an error varESInvoiceBreakdown = PrimeLO.ListRows("1:2").Range.Value
Even though it indicates in a segment of this article that you can reference multiple rows in this manner https://www.thespreadsheetguru.com/blog/2014/6/20/the-vba-guide-to-listobject-excel-tables
I was hoping to reference the two integer variables I have setup for the row selection.
Sincerely, Kris
You can't index into the ListRows
collection like that. Use DataBodyRange.Rows
varESInvoiceBreakdown = PrimeLO.DataBodyRange.Rows("1:2").Value
With variables:
Dim startRow as Long
Dim endRow as Long
startRow = 1
endRow = 2
varESInvoiceBreakdown = PrimeLO.DataBodyRange.Rows(startRow & ":" & endRow).Value