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Composed task custom condition

Is it possible to create a custom Exit status in spring cloud data flow?

Let's say i have the following: enter image description here

I saw an examples for FAILED and UNKNOWN, so I've created 2 custom conditions Worked & Generated. Assuming this approach is possible - How do i pass those strings from inside the task? Or it needs to be passed from somewhere else? If not - then why i can write any string that i want in the "Properties for TRANSITION" modal?


  • Other than providing the UI option to wire the exit-code to map to a particular downstream step, there's nothing dynamically influenced by SCDF. In other words, SCDF doesn't interfere with whatever is happening internally in each Task application.

    The custom transitions require the desired exit-codes to be returned/handled within the Task application itself.

    In your example above, if the Timestamp's business logic returned "Worked" as the exit-code, then the transition would result in executing Bar application. Likewise, if the exit-code is "Generated", you'd see Foo running.