how can I run Unit Tests in XCode4 without having to swap to UnitTest profile/target?
So whilst in normal "build / run on simulator" profile in XCode4, is there a way (e.g. shortcut key or otherwise) to kickoff unit tests which are set up in another target?
So from a XCode4 target view: * myAppTarget - where XCode is currently set to * unitTestTarget - would like short cut to trigger running of these
So effectively a way to automate the equivalent of: * switch Xcode to UnitTest target * run unit tests * switch back to normal myAppTarget
I'm not sure if its exactly what you mean but if you create a target that contains your Logic Tests you can set the logic tests to be executed on build, and put a dependency on your normal project to compile the Logic test project also.
That way you can force your project to run the Logic test whenever you build it.