I am trying to set an integer value as such:
Dim intID as integer
intID = x * 10000
This works ok when x
is 3 or less. But when x
is 4, this gives me the error:
run-time error 6 Overflow
I don't understand why this is. I can set intID
to 40000 directly without any problems, so it's obviously capable of storing large numbers.
You cannot set a vb6 integer to 40000 as they are signed 16 bit numbers so +32767 is the maximum.
is the 32 bit type.
However as a caveat, if you were to:
Dim lngID As Long
lngID = 4 * 10000
You would still get an overflow as literal numbers default to Integer, to correct that just type one as long with &
or cast one as long using CLng()
Dim lngID As Long
lngID = 4 * 10000&
lngID = 4 * CLng(10000)