Using tmux, I'd like to run a command from one pane against another pane, and capture the output of the command.
For example, say in pane 7 I have an SSH session running, and I'd like to run a bash script in pane 2 to capture the host name from pane 7.
Is this possible?
I know I can do the send keys like so
$ tmux send-keys -t 7 "hostname" Enter
but I'm not sure how to capture the output from pane 7 into a bash variable.
I don't mind if it displays on the screen either (doesnt have to happen in the background).
EDIT: Note that hostname is just an example - I would like to run other scripts against each pane as well
As an alternative to capture-pane
you can similarly use pipe-pane
. It is often used for logging. You give it a command to pipe all output into, or no command at all to stop piping. So you end up with something like
tmux pipe-pane -t 7 'cat >/tmp/capture'
tmux send-keys -t 7 'hostname' Enter
sleep 1
tmux pipe-pane -t 7 # stops piping
Beware, this capture includes carriage-return characters. You will need to remove the first and last lines of the capture to get just the wanted output. Eg:
IT=$(sed '1d;$d;s/\r//' </tmp/capture)