I have an input in my mat-form-field
that has a mat-checkbox
in matSuffix
INFO: The input will be constantly disabled.
<mat-form-field class="pointer" (click)="...">
<mat-label>TEST ...</mat-label>
<input matInput class="pointer" type="text" disabled>
<mat-checkbox matSuffix color="accent" class="ml-4"></mat-checkbox>
I wish I could interact with the mat-checkbox
without necessarily clicking on it directly,
but on the global mat-form-field
If I click here:
I suppose that an event (click)
on the mat-form-field
would be necessary, but I do not know how to proceed.
Thanks for your help.
I don't understand well what you need, but i think that's it:
<mat-form-field fxFlex="100" class="pointer" (click)="disabled=!disabled">
<mat-label>My label</mat-label>
<input matInput class="pointer" type="text" >
<mat-checkbox matSuffix color="accent" [checked]="disabled" class="ml-4"></mat-