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What should I do when Delphi imports WSDL improperly due to a hyphen in an enum name?

I'm using Delphi and I'm using a wsdl file from another company to set up my proxy class to use their data from their web service. The wsdl file contains the following:

  <xsd:simpleType name="departStatus">
   <xsd:documentation>Enumerates allowable departure statuses (DEPARTED, NOT-DEPARTED)</xsd:documentation>
  <xsd:restriction base="xsd:string">
   <xsd:enumeration value="DEPARTED"/>
   <xsd:enumeration value="NOT-DEPARTED"/>

When I generate the proxy class I get the following:

  departStatus = (

Which doesn't compile unless I remove the line starting with [System.xml..., and it will not recognize "NOT-DEPARTED" as a valid value for departStatus. If I change "NOT-DEPARTED" to "NOT_DEPARTED" in the wsdl file and any incoming xml file it works fine, but the company that set this up is insisting that "NOT-DEPARTED" is valid and will not change it. Why isn't setting up the departStatus enumeration properly? Any ideas how to get around this? Thanks in advance for any help.


  • I have a possible workaround:

    Since departStatus is of the base type xsd:string, you should be able to change all occurences of the departStatus type to xsd:string in the WSDL file.

    That way you can pass/interpret the string 'DEPARTED' or 'NON-DEPARTED' instead of using an enum.