I define own outcome-contraint for in workflow-model same as (File: test-model.xml):
<constraint name="my:myOutcomeOptions" type="LIST">
<parameter name="allowedValues">
And custom sequence-flows to workflow definition (File: test.bpmn20.xml):
<exclusiveGateway id="exclusiveGateway1"</exclusiveGateway>
<sequenceFlow id="flow3" name="Rejected" sourceRef="exclusiveGateway1" targetRef="Rejected">
<conditionExpression xsi:type="tFormalExpression"> <![CDATA[${test_a1approvecount < test_a2approvecount}]]> </conditionExpression>
I want to when I click button "Reject" showing popup confirm and after click button in popup confirm (OK and Cancel) display change to dashboard. Please help me!
Thank you advance!
try to add this code in function "onClick".
var reviewTaskTransition = document.getElementsByName("prop_my_myOutcomeOptions")[0].value; if(reviewTaskTransition == "Approve"){ Alfresco.util.submitForm(p_obj.getForm()); } else if(reviewTaskTransition == "Reject"){ Alfresco.util.PopupManager.displayPrompt({ title: "Rejection Popup", text: "confirm?", noEscape: true, buttons: [{ text: "Yes", handler: function submitRejection() { Alfresco.util.submitForm(p_obj.getForm()); this.destroy(); } }, { text: "no", handler: function() { this.destroy(); document.location.reload(true); }, isDefault: true }, ] }); } else{ Alfresco.util.submitForm(p_obj.getForm()); }